Incompass is innovative and comprehensive precision ag technology that combines analysis tools and farm data to help farmers more efficiently administer crop inputs and ultimately maximize the yield potential. This bundle of products and services provides a wide overview of an operation’s direction of progress. The system also has the support of precision-farming experts who provide training and offer individualized recommendations.
The WinField R7 Tool
The R7 Tool by WinField United is a core part of Incompass Ag Technology in Covington TN. This all-inclusive farming solution renders straightforward and critical performance information from the field. This direct information guides the development and evaluation of variable-rate prescription programs.
Incompass FieldAlytics
The purpose of the FieldAlytics tool is to make operations more efficient, yield more revenue from both machines and man-hours and elevate customer service.
FieldAlytics provides boundary profile management for fields and farms, real-time equipment tracking, and the ability to build maps based on planting, applied layers, Veris zones, yield data, and additional available information layers. The software also permits work-order management for field services, such as soil sampling and application.
Incompass Climate FieldView
The Climate FieldView tool stays on top of the field data that are essential to data-driven decision-making and maximized return per acre. Advantages include field data collection and analysis, nitrogen monitoring, customized seeding prescriptions, and nitrogen management.
Benefits of Incompass ag technology in Covington, TN, include:
• Field Mapping
• Product Trial Set-up
• Yield Analysis
• Field Scouting
• Scouting Application
• Variable-Rate Application
• Record Keeping
• Management of Enterprise Data
• Wireless Data
• Aerial Prescriptions
• Soil and Tissue Sampling
• NDVI Maps
• In-season Imagery and Nitrate Testing
• Fertilizer and Planting Recommendations
• Local Weather
• Monitoring of Soil Moisture
• Precision Ag Training