Integrating Social Media Marketing Into Your Web Design

by | Feb 28, 2024 | Internet Marketing Service

Social media has become one way that companies from all over the world advertise to potential customers. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Google+ are all ways to engage users and interact with people who use your brand or would use your brand. Customer Finder Marketing can help you redesign your current website to integrate the best social media applications for your business. Not all social media platforms will benefit your business, so it’s best to choose only the top two or three rather than spreading yourself out amongst all of the social media sites.

Adding Plugins On Your Site

The easiest way to let users find your social media sites is to add plugins on your webpages. These direct links will take users to your social media sites where they can follow your page, interact with your brand, or share information from your page on their own page. You can go even further with your web design by adding share plugins on specific product pages. Maybe you want to allow users to share the sales page or a new product page. Adding product specific plugins is a great way to spread awareness of your brand and let your customers share some of their favorite things about your site.

Expanding Your Calls to Action

When you first began working with an Customer Finder Marketing, you probably went over your basic calls to action for your website. However, you need to plan a strategy for social media calls to action, too. An on-site call to action that involves social media could be pop ups that ask users if they want to share with friends that they just made a purchase, reviewed a book, or booked a cruise through your site. Analytics show that when users answer the social media call to action, there is a significant increase in visitors from the link.

Remember that social media usage requires management. Work closely with your Customer Finder Marketing team to create a strategy for not only implementing social media marketing but also social media management. It’s not enough to use social media for branding, you have to interact with your users and make them feel engaged with your brand. Your website design is the first step in social media marketing, but it’s your follow up that will determine your level of social media success.

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