Accidents often occur in a workplace when people cut corners or fail to use the correct procedure when using the equipment. While the various companies manufacturing industrial heater models design their equipment to be very safe to use, it is often misused in the field.
Often people that make mistakes with temporary heat equipment simply didn’t take the time to understand why specific safety features and components are installed on the heaters. Modifying, removing or bypassing these features and required components can lead to a very dangerous situation and the possible risk of injury.
Correct Materials
When connecting any temporary heat system to the fuel source, it will be essential to use the correct components. This includes the right pipe, gaskets and other material. Failing to connect the heater to the fuel source correctly, either at the heater or along the pipe or supply line, is a potentially very serious risk.
Ensure that all connections, tees and valves in the system are installed correctly and to specifications. Never take shortcuts or use material that is damaged, in poor condition or that has been modified in any way. This simple mistake can have very serious consequences on any job site.
Proper Ventilation
Just as it is important to make sure everything coming into the system is correct and to specifications, it is also important to make sure the interior of the building is correctly ventilated.
This is particularly important when using direct fired heaters. As these temporary heat models convert 100% of the fuel into heat, there will be both carbon monoxide as well as moisture added to the air. While the majority of this will be released outside of the building, there is a requirement for ventilation to avoid any possible risks of carbon monoxide building up in the interior.
Even with indirect heaters, the exhaust will need to be correctly ventilated to the exterior of the building when housed inside. Even if they are used outside the building it will be important to ensure the exhaust cannot get into the building through areas of the construction not yet completed or through the air intake system.
Always maintain the industrial heater as per the manufacturer’s specifications. Most of these heaters require very little in the way of maintenance but ensuring that routine checks of the system will be critical for overall operational safety and reliability of the system.