Plantar Fasciitis is an inflammation of your plantar fascia, which is a fibrous attachment that extends from the heel to the ball of the foot. When its over used or stretched too far, you develop plantar fasciitis. This is a common form of foot pain that makes it hard to walk without discomfort. Call your foot and knee pain doctor in South Portland, ME if youre experiencing the following symptoms.
What Are the Common Symptoms Associated with Plantar Fasciitis?
The most common symptoms youll experience with Plantar Fasciitis include intense heel pain along with pain in the arch of your foot. Youll feel a stiffness in your foot, and there may be swelling around the heel. You can also have a tight Achilles tendon.
What Do You Feel with Plantar Fasciitis?
The first thing youll notice is an achy pain in the heel that extends along the bottom of the foot and into the toes. The severity of this pain can change according to the time of day and what youre doing or it can become dull. Youll also discover pain when standing up after sitting or sleeping. Some people also have a sharp or stabbing pain when they put pressure on their affected heel.
Be sure to ask your foot and knee pain doctor in South Portland, ME for further professional advice. Theyre prepared when asked what are the common symptoms associated with plantar fasciitis. You can also visit QC Kinetix (South Portland) for more information or View Testimonials.