Some married couples find they have nothing in common after their children leave home. Empty nest syndrome is when parents lose their sense of purpose and goes through bouts of depression. You should use this time to do some soul-searching and schedule appointments with couples therapists in Manassas, VA.
Improve Communication
Healthy communication styles make it easier to deal with conflict and to build a stronger partnership. Married couples must make an intention effort to improve communication in their marriage. However, couples therapists in Manassa,s VA can help you with marriage enrichment activities. This program teaches couples how to develop interpersonal skills and conflict resolution skills.
Tackle a Project Together
Empty nesters must find a new purpose in life and become more social. You could volunteer for Habitat for Humanity or join a church fellowship group. Couples build a special bond and lasting memories when they tackle a project together.
Participate in Date Night
After your children leave, you should spend time getting to know your spouse. It is a good time to take up a dance class or travel to a destination on your bucket list. You can also rekindle the romance by scheduling a monthly date. It helps to choose a social activity that you can learn and enjoy together.
Marriage couples are going to spend less time together after children. They must make effort to spend time alone. If you are feeling discord in your relationship, it is time to fight for your marriage. Contact Gina Binder at to schedule a counseling session today.