It’s a fact, that if you plan to drive a car in the area, you must have a Car Insurance Policy in San Francisco, CA. Since it is a requirement, finding affordable car insurance is essential. Fortunately, when it comes to finding cheap auto insurance, you have a number of options available.
Shop around. One of the best ways to get low-cost Car Insurance in San Francisco, CA is to shop around. Obtaining quotes from more than one insurance company affords you the opportunity to compare rates based on your policy needs. Even if you have a current car insurance policy, it’s a good idea to shop around and get new rates at least once every year.
Increase your deductible. Raising your deductible as little as $200 can lower your car insurance rates by as much as 20%. For example, if your current deductible is $500, consider raising your deductible to $1000 for increased savings. However, it’s important to keep in mind that raising your deductible increases the amount of money you have to come out of pocket should you be involved in an accident or have any other claim. Therefore, making a decision to alter your deductible should be thoroughly considered.
Inquire about discounts. Often time, insurance companies will offer discounts to members of certain professional organizations, students with good grades, if you park your car in a garage or if you’re a member of a military organization, for example. However, the only way you’ll find out about these discounts is if you ask. Speak with an agent at Pennbrook Insurance Services Inc and find out about any Car Insurance discounts in San Francisco, CA you qualify for.
Combine your policies. Another easy way to reduce the amount of your insurance payment is to combine all your policies with the same company. For instance, having your homeowner’s insurance with one company and your car insurance policy with another can cost you more money in the long run. In many instances, a company will offer policyholders a significant discount if they bundle all their policies together.
Drive Safe. Driving safely and keeping a clean driving record is an effortless way to reduce your insurance payment. Always practice defensive driving techniques and pay particular attention to traffic laws when you’re behind the wheel. A clean driving record can translate into more money in your wallet. For more information, visit