It is important to save money as a college student, especially if you are close to graduating. Luckily, there are ways to save money while living in your student apartments in Greenville, NC.
Learn How to Budget
The first thing you want to do is learn how to budget, such as the 50-30-20 rule. 50 percent of your income covers your needs, 30 percent goes toward your wants, and 20 percent is put into savings.
Be Mindful of Credit
It never hurts to build credit, but you should never spend more than you can pay back unless it is an emergency. Additionally, be sure to pay the minimum balance on time each month.
Start Cutting Costs
Determining where you can cut costs can make a difference in your monthly budget. You may decide to use your kitchen and order less takeout, or maybe you want to cancel your gym membership and use the community fitness center.
Look For Part-Time Work
Looking for part-time work is a great way to increase your monthly income. If you cannot look for part-time work because of classes, use your skills to set your schedule and offer freelance services.
Open a Savings Account
You want to open a savings account as soon as possible, especially if you are working or freelancing. Remember to put 20 percent of your income into your savings account. With a good interest rate, you can watch your savings grow over time.
When you are ready to move into student apartments in Greenville, NC, consider First Street Place. You can find information, photos, and floor plans at