Dating Mistakes That are Driving Your Soul Mates Away

by | Jun 10, 2016 | Dating

In 2014, the number of unmarried people in the U.S. exceeded the number of married couples for the first time ever. In 1950, singles were about 22 percent of the population. In 2014, they were about 50.2 percent, reports Public Radio International. And many of these singles find themselves navigating the dating world wholly uninitiated and clueless about the rules of dating. If you’re one of them, here are some dating mistakes you might be making that are driving your possible soulmates away:

Not using a matchmaking service

A personal approach to dating often nets greater results, which is why choosing a matchmaker over an online dating site is the better option. Don’t miss out on that opportunity to meet great matches. With the help of an excellent matchmaker, going out on a date in Boston might just give you the break you’ve been waiting.

Not dressing your age

There’s nothing like seeing a 53-year-old dress up like a 23-year-old. It’s embarrassing! Be natural. It’s not about how much skin you show or how groovy your Beiber haircut makes you look. It’s all about attitude and confidence. With plenty of both, you’re sure to make your prospective soul mates swoon.

Not moving on

Still hung up on your last relationship? Can’t help talking about your ex? Don’t – just don’t! You’re not attracting anything new by getting stuck in the past. Do yourself and your dates a favor. Move on.

Not ordering what you want

Honesty is the best policy. Don’t pretend to be a vegetarian at dinner if you really want to go for that lamb chop. Being anything but who you really are is just setting yourself up for future failure.

So be mindful about these mistakes. Do your best to avoid them and you’ll have better chances at ending up with the love of your life.

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