Alzheimer Care in Wake County, NC Offers Innovative and Helpful Therapies

by | Sep 22, 2017 | Assisted Living Facility

People who have Alzheimer’s often have difficulties following a conversation. For example, they may stop in the middle of saying something or repeat themselves. In some instances, they may struggle with words or call certain items by the wrong name. For example, a scarf may be referred to as a neck cloth.

In some instances, Alzheimer’s patients have trouble deciphering images. Therefore, some age-related vision problems may be related to Alzheimer’s. As a result, a person with this type of cognitive impairment may have trouble with contrast and color, or have a hard time reading. However, these difficulties can be ameliorated when you seek Alzheimer care in Wake County, NC. In order to take this step, you need to speak with a counselor who can help you with finding a residence, a place that is devoted to the care of Alzheimer’s patients.

Residential Placements for Alzheimer’s Patients

A counselor at a care agency such as Oasis Senior Advisors – Wake County, NC can offer recommendations that will help you decide on residential placement. When an elderly parent or loved one finds it difficult to remember information or important dates, or asks that you repeat what you said continually, you need to look at memory care options.

For instance, residences that offer Alzheimer care provide certain aids to help an Alzheimer’s patient cope. Not only do staff members monitor a resident’s level of comfort, they also work at avoiding any confrontation. In some cases, a staff member may redirect the person’s focus. Instead of reacting to the behavior, they respond to the emotion.

Helping a Patient Cope

Staff members who offer Alzheimer care are trained not to take a patient’s behavior personally. They not only acknowledge the patient’s requests, they follow up on them as well. Their goal in conducting care is to produce a calming and tranquil environment. That means they try to reduce the level of noise and make sure any background distractions are minimized.

By speaking to a senior resource advisor, you can find a place for your parent, one that will make him or her feel more comfortable and secure. You can also like them on Facebook for more information.

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