Insurance is one of the things that people buy, but hope they never have to use it. However, when the time comes to use it, they hope they have enough coverage to pay off whatever was insured. When people purchase automobile insurance, a lot of them will just get liability coverage, especially because their vehicle is paid off. Liability insurance is good, but it often isn’t enough to take care of what happens in a car accident. A Car Insurance Service in Tyrone PA advises clients to purchase more than liability insurance. Here are some of the reasons why.
• Liability insurance just covers the cost of repairing the vehicle of the other party. Sometimes, it isn’t enough. Fortunately, in Pennsylvania, the law requires drivers to carry medical benefits coverage as well. This is to ensure that drivers are covered for medical benefits, regardless of who is at fault.
• If a driver purchases tort insurance, he or she gets the assurance of minimizing civil suits. One option of this insurance will allow the party to sue only for medical bills and costs while the other option allows the party to sue for medical costs and pain and suffering.
• Collision insurance is good to purchase, as it helps to pay for the damages to your car if you are at fault.
• Comprehensive insurance is good because it will pay for incidental damages to your car, such as vandalism, or hail damage.
• Other benefits you can add to your insurance include towing assistance, car rental reimbursement and even for funerals. You have the option to bundle your insurance packages and save money. That may be the smart way to go.
These are just some of the benefits of purchasing additional insurance for your vehicle. If you need to discuss your options for vehicle insurance, a car insurance service in Tyrone PA, Altoona, PA, and the surrounding areas will help you sort through your best options. The Boyer Agency helps their customers by educating them on their insurance options, above being their insurance agency.
If you would like to get more information on the different kinds of insurance the agency can help you with.