When Is It Time To Consider A Second Opinion?

by | Feb 18, 2016 | Health & Fitness

As a pet owner, you love all the furry members of your family as if they were your kids. Like all responsible pet owners you take your dog, cat or other pet to the vet on an annual or semi-annual basis, and you also make regular trips if you notice a problem with their health or well-being.

However, how to do you know if your vet is really providing the level of care and service, or providing you with the all the options possible for treatment? How do you know if the recommendations for surgery, or for a specific treatment, or even for the management of chronic health conditions are the best or only options to consider?

Do Your Research

The internet makes research on all types of animal health issues much easier than it was before online websites were readily accessible. However, it is important to use quality websites when reviewing animal health issues. You can even look for symptoms, but it is also critical to have any health issues diagnosed by a vet.

Choose websites that provide scientifically backed statements by veterinarians and researchers, and be aware than any website selling a “cure” type of product is going to be presenting research and information that backs up their product, which may very well not provide the full picture.

Talk to your vet about your findings, and ask his or her opinion on treatment options if the vet doesn’t provide you with the information. If the vet becomes irritated or unwilling to discuss options, it is a good idea to get a second opinion.

Symptoms Persist

If the vet has recommended a treatment protocol that seems to be having limited success, or if the treatment is not working at all, notify the original vet as sometimes, as with humans, medications and dosages will need to be adjusted to be effective.

If the adjustment doesn’t provide treatment for or management of the condition, a second opinion from another vet will be an important consideration.

Recommendation for Euthanasia

Hearing that a vet is recommending euthanasia for a beloved pet is always difficult. If you have a good relationship with your vet and agree with his or her recommendation, no matter how difficult it may be, you may not want to get a second opinion.

If on the other hand, you believe there may be treatment options, or if having a second opinion would provide you with comfort in knowing you are making the best decision for your pet, a top vet will always understand and support your decision.

At Pupsicles, we offer a full range of pet care services in the Denver, CO area. To learn more about our services and our commitment to your pets, see our website at Website Url.

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