Points to Consider Before Buying a House Outside of Town

by | Jun 15, 2020 | Real Estate

They say location is everything. But sometimes a family finds the perfect house in a location that wasn’t what they were planning on. Perhaps they were browsing through a real estate website and discovered this house, with everything they wanted, except that it’s not in town. It’s a few miles outside of town, without municipal utility services such as water and sewer, and natural gas. There’s no municipal garbage pickup. There’s no cable TV or the Internet. What now? Should they schedule an appointment with an agency such as Denise Ramey in Charlottesville VA, or should they forget the whole thing?

It’s not a bad idea to at least go look at the place in person.If the house and the property seem like a dream come true, the family can sit down together for a meeting and discuss whether or not to put in an offer. They can discuss the pros and cons of moving into this house, and whether any of the changes that would need to be made are deal-breakers.

For instance, the kids will have to ride the bus. That shouldn’t be too much of a problem unless the daily bus ride is a very long one. Somebody will probably have to commute to work, but if the house is only a few miles from town, the ride isn’t bad.

Another point to consider is whether the house is in a neighbourhood, such as a subdivision in which more houses will be built in the near future, or whether it’s more isolated. A family with young kids might prefer a neighbourhood where other youngsters reside.

The family won’t have cable Internet, but they can get satellite service and they may have the option to get a DSL line. An agency such as Denise Ramey in Charlottesville VA may know which services are offered in this area. Satellite TV also is available, and with today’s streaming options, the lack of cable TV may be no problem. They’ll want to check out the flavor and aroma of the good water, which can range from superb to troublesome. Even unpleasant well water doesn’t have to be a deal-breaker as long as it’s safe. Water softeners, carbon filters and other treatment systems help a great deal. To know more Click Here.

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