Pecans From Corporate Gift Basket Stores in Tucson Arizona Are Ideal Presents for People Watching Their Blood Sugar

by | May 29, 2018 | Business

Someone who deals with slightly high blood sugar is sensitive to which foods are more difficult for the body to break down without a spike in sugar levels. When shopping at Corporate Gift Basket Stores in Tucson Arizona, they tend to keep in mind that many other people have the same problem, so they want to include plenty of items that aren’t particularly sweet.

Snack Food

Tree nuts of all kinds are recommended as snacks for individuals working to keep their blood sugar in check. Walnuts, cashews, almonds, pecans and other nuts are high in protein, making them tasty and filling. Eating them can help people avoid adding more carbohydrates to their daily diet.

Calories and Carbs

Nuts do carry a substantial calorie load, however, so it’s important to be reasonable about the amount consumed at each snack. An easy rule of thumb in regard to pecans specifically is that 10 halves contain about 100 calories. A 100-calorie serving has 2 grams of carbohydrates. The 1.5 grams of fiber cut that carb load significantly.


Pecans are rich in vitamin E and potassium. They also have B vitamins along with magnesium, calcium, zinc and other nutrients.

Additions to Meals

In addition to munching on nuts as snacks, people can add them to meals for more protein and extra flavor. A green salad gets some enjoyable crunch when nuts are included. Pecans and other nuts also can be chopped up and sprinkled on cereal.


Corporate Gift Basket Stores in Tucson Arizona offer a variety of options for including pecans. For customers wanting to give a present that doesn’t emphasize sweet food, they can avoid nuts that have been sugared, candy or chocolate coated, or flavored with honey. Instead, natural, roasted, salted and spiced versions are ideal.

When choosing a gift basket supplier like the Green Valley Pecan Company, customers are happy to know that the pecans are grown in orchards local to Arizona. Another intriguing aspect is that pecans are the only tree nuts native to North America. People shopping for gift baskets and want to include these delicious foods may visit the website and view the possibilities. You can also visit them on Facebook.

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