You Can Get The Help You Need With A Back Injury In Fargo ND

by | Sep 14, 2017 | Health & Fitness

Living with pain on a daily basis isn’t normal and can cause an individual to be irritable, tired, and downright miserable. The body has the natural ability to heal itself and with some help, a Back Injury in Fargo ND doesn’t have to be a debilitating condition on a daily basis. Physical therapy can help an individual restore their range of motion and strength. The back pain individuals suffer from is caused by nerve irritation along the spine and weak muscles that have tightened.


For most individuals, a referral from a doctor isn’t necessary because physical therapists are trained in assessing and treating musculoskeletal conditions. This gives an individual the opportunity to receive the help they need faster because they don’t have to wait to see the doctor. If a therapist can’t treat a certain condition, they will refer the patient to a doctor who can.

What Happens During The First Appointment?

A licensed therapist will request all of a patient’s medical history and discuss an individual’s current condition and problems. They will inquire how the pain is affecting a patient’s life and ask about the goals individual hopes to achieve. They will perform a thorough physical examination, including a range of motion testing of joints, neurological screening, posture analysis, palpation, and muscle testing to make an assessment.

Treatment Plan

When an individual has a Back Injury in Fargo ND, a therapist will develop a specific plan that is designed to meet the limitations and the goals of a patient. They believe in a plan that is tailored to reduce the pain and improve the patient’s quality of life. A therapy treatment usually lasts 45 to 60 minutes.

Will Expensive Testing Need To Be Performed?

The former standard to diagnose back pain was through the use of an MRI. Although the MRI can take very detailed pictures of the spine, it doesn’t tell everything a therapist needs to know. Simple muscle and strength testing can give a therapist an accurate assessment of a patient’s back problem.

If you suffered a back injury or suffer from chronic pain, a therapist can help. For more information, please visit .

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