What Consumers Need to Know About Glass Replacement in Sparks, NV

by | Nov 25, 2016 | Business

When windows first were introduced in homes in the United States, Glass Replacement in Sparks NV was an easy task. Individuals could go to the local hardware store and request a piece of glass in the needed size, go home and fix their window in a short period of time.

Today, there are numerous types of glass, thus the process has become harder. What do consumers need to know about the various glass options and how this affects glass replacement in their home? Some older homes do still have single pane glass windows, yet they aren’t as common now. Single pane isn’t a good insulator, thus homeowners often choose to upgrade when they replace their windows. In fact, many companies no longer offer single pane windows, as they understand the disadvantages associated with this glass option. For this reason, homeowners will likely need to look for dual pane glass when they need to make a repair. Dual pane glass, often referred to as insulated glass, is two pieces of glass that are connected together with the help of an aluminum spacer. This spacer works to create an air pocket between the two panes, as this helps to keep temperatures in the home at a more stable level.

Air loss becomes less of a concern when this option is selected, but the entire unit has to be replaced in the event the glass is broken. This is true even when only one piece of glass is damaged, due to the construction of the unit. For those homes with tempered glass, special care will need to be taken when replacing the glass. The reason for this is tempered glass is made to break into small pieces when it is damaged to help protect again injury. This type of glass comes with an identifying mark, so consumers know that it has been manufactured to meet certain specifications and will provide the desired protection. Visit  to learn more about Glass Replacement in Sparks, NV.

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