When you are in the market for a dump truck buying new is always a very good idea. This allows you to start out with the vehicle to keep up regular maintenance, make sure the vehicle isn’t overloaded and also to ensure it is driven with a focus on keeping the vehicle in top condition.
Buying a used truck may be an option, but not all used trucks are going to be a good deal. In Texas, the most problematic type of purchase is a private owner purchase from someone you don’t know. The other risky type of purchase is through an equipment auction, particularly if you have not had time to have the vehicle fully inspected.
A dealership that sells new or used dump trucks is a good option. Specialized medium and heavy duty truck companies offer quality used vehicles or brand new trucks on the lot, both which are smart choices. Even with a reputable dealer, it is still worth the time to check out these basic components on a used dump truck to make sure there are no potential issues before deciding to purchase.
Body Work and Frame
It isn’t difficult to spot signs of body damage on most of the trucks for sale. If the truck is older and has been used for more than hauling dirt or other types of soft materials there will be dings, dents and scratches, but significant damage is often a sign of poor overall care or many different drivers or owners.
Look carefully at the frame and the truck rails. If the rails or the support beams under the box are bent or twisted or if they sag downwards, it is often a sign of the truck being overloaded.
Less commonly you may see the rails curve up towards the middle, which can indicate that the truck was operated with the box loaded and the box up, which is a sign of poor driver understanding of how to correctly operate the vehicle.
Hydraulic System
Make sure to not just operate the hydraulics but to actually get out and look at the cylinder, the rods and all hoses and components. Signs of pitting, rusting, dents, twists or any signs of leaks should be red flags that there are repairs needed.
Buying a used dump truck may be a very good idea for a Texas business. However, as these trucks are exposed to some rough conditions, taking your time to inspect the truck and verify all systems are working correctly needs to be a priority.