Why Organic Beef Is Better Than Others

by | Oct 3, 2016 | Business

Many people worry about what’s in their meat and what they can do about it. Farmers have carte-blanch when it comes to what they do, but if they want to be considered an organic farm, they have a very rigid set of rules to follow. Many people also confuse grass-fed with organic beef and may not understand the differences or what’s better.

What Is Grass-Fed?

Primarily, grass-fed meat means that the animal was allowed to graze and forage for their food. While they can’t be fed grain, they may have eaten alfalfa and other substitutes during winter months when grasses die. However, they get as close to a natural diet as possible, whereas grain-fed animals eat corn, wheat, and other undesirable foodstuffs.

Those animals that eat grain grow faster, but they don’t get as many nutrients. Likewise, grass-fed animals have more B vitamins and Omega-3s, resulting in meat that is healthier, more flavourful and leaner.

What Is Organic Beef?

Organic labels don’t necessarily focus on how the animal was raised, but rather, includes an extensive list of what can’t be done to raise them For example, cows can’t be confined for extended periods and can’t be over-crowded or kept in unsafe/unsanitary conditions. Likewise, they can’t be exposed to artificial fertilisers, antibiotics, hormones and other risky things, directly or indirectly.

Where To Find

Primarily, you can find organic beef in almost any grocery store. They must be labelled as certified organic to ensure you’re getting high-quality meat. However, it may be best to choose a butcher, such as The Meat Store. Through them, you can learn where their beef is sourced and can better determine how they handle, store and package their foods. This way, you ensure your safety and that of your family while consuming delicious beef.

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